Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First week of classes

As of today, we finished the first week of classes. We actually get every Wednesday reserved for field studies. Most schools in Denmark and also in the Netherlands have off on Wednesday, so lots of museums and things like that are discounted or free for students on Wednesdays.

I love my classes. And the two I didn't love, I dropped, haha. So now I have a decent schedule. I tried to add a section of Danish, but there wasn't an opening in a class that fit.

Mondays and Thursdays:
Gender, Body and Sexuality in Scandinavia
Biomedical Ethics
Lost in Translation

Tuesdays and Fridays:
Health Care in Scandinavia
Russia: Past and Present (only Tuesday)
Turkey at the Crossroads (only Friday)

We have a three week break in March, so I'm taking the Russia and Turkey classes as prep courses for trips there during the break.

I'm really going to enjoy all my classes. Some of them have a little work, but they're all things I'm interested in. I'm especially excited about the Gender, Body and Sexuality class. The teacher is bringing in a former prostitute to talk to us and we're going to the Museum Erotica in Copenhagen's red light district. It's starting to hit me that I'm not in Maryland and I'm not going to be for a really long time, haha.

Tonight, we went out and explored Hillerød. We took the bus to the Mexican Cantina and completely invaded the place since there were 13 of us. Then we went down the pedestrian street to Fox and Hounds, where we eventually left Craig and Brian to watch the Newcastle - Arsenal game. I kind of love living in a smaller town like this. It makes me feel lucky, because some people just live right in Copenhagen by DIS and classes and everything, but I have at least two different places to explore. And the commute isn't too bad, either. It was weird at first not being able to roll out of bed to classes, but the train ride is really pretty and when I'm not doing my homework, it's nice just to sit and think.

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