Monday, March 31, 2008

Let the back-dating begin!

I just got home Saturday evening from Russia. I spent the first week of travel break in Budapest and Vienna, the second traveling through Turkey and the third through Russia.

It's been a busy three weeks but I promise, the pictures and blog entries are coming.

In other news, it's so WONDERFUL to be back in Denmark. It feels like home. And they've made some changes for us students at the højskole. We used to be on a dinner meal plan. Now, we get breakfast and dinner, which is great because it was awesome to start out my morning talking to Siri, one of my Danish friends there, before I had to head off to school. We are also given a food stipend from DIS but they decided to have the højskole invoice DIS instead of going through us, which is much better because we often aren't able to find teachers to open the office and it was hard for us to get the money to them at the beginning of the semester.

Anyway, the semester is going by so fast! This week and next week I have some final projects due based on my Turkey and Russia trips and then all my papers start being due and finals are creeping up on me. I don't even want to think about the semester ending - I love it way too much here. I might even cry when they kick me out of the højskole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey - whats the bathroom situation at the hojskole??