Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Lykken varer ikke evigt... (bortset fra på Grundtvigs)."

Yesterday, the Danish students had workshops all day where they wrote poetry and songs. At dinner last night, they all dressed up and performed them for the whole school and the Americans. There weren't that many Americans left because half of us already left on our study tours with school, but of those of us who were left, Tom, Lincoln and I listened to some of the performances.

They wrote inspirational quotes on the table cloths, which David translated for me.

"Lykken varer ikke evigt... (bortset fra på Grundtvigs)."
Happiness doesn't last forever anywhere... (except for Grundtvigs).

"Lev livet mens du kan."
Live life while you can.

"Tab og vind me samme sind."
Loss and victory are of the same mind.

"Øje for øje gør veriden blund."
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Today, I'm leaving to spend a week touring Budapest and Vienna. I'm really going to miss this place. I'll be back for part of every weekend, because I'm doing all DIS-arranged trips, so they include the flights to and from Copenhagen, but it won't be the same. I'm so excited for the next three weeks, but it will be wonderful to come home to Grundtvigs after them.

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