Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ruya comes to play!

It wasn't a particularly exciting excursion, but today my friend Ruya came to Grundtvigs.

It was so we could work on our paper for Health Care in Scandinavia class, which is fun class, but I have to say, I'm getting a little sick of reading about the laws of abortion in Denmark. In case you are wondering, they're all free for women as long as they're in the first 12 weeks.

But it was just really fun to show someone else the greenhouse that's my home that I love so much. I felt bad that she had to pay to come here - I live in Zone 9 and she's in Zone 5, I believe, so she had to pay the difference. I have an alle zoner (all-zone, obviously) pass, I could've gone to her place without paying any extra, but she didn't really have wireless internet and we have a computer lab here, so she didn't even need to bring her laptop.

She lives with a host family and they were excited when they realized she was coming here - their daughter, who is now in her thirties, went here back in the day.

This week is going to be weird - tomorrow morning, all the Danes are going to Berlin with the school. They're renting the place out to senior citizens. We're also not getting any meals. Alicia asked DIS about that and got us 150DKK to help pay for food for the week, which was a good amount. It's going to be so weird without the Danes here and I'm really going to miss them. And I like getting food that I don't have to pay for.

But anyway, I wouldn't have been here for meals tomorrow anyway because I'm going to LEGOLAND! I can feel myself decreasing in age as it gets closer and closer.

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